Now you can start your journey to finding premium domain names by visiting "" which is actually where I started my journey. Namepros is a domain forum with information that is invaluable to anyone searching for domains or interested in making money online. Finding premium domain names can be quite easy and to start your journey you should sit down and think about what your website will be providing or selling to the traffic. I mean if your selling golf balls the most obvious domain name would be and alas that name is taken. Most people unfamiliar with other extensions move on after checking the .com version. Now is where it gets interesting as you can find other extensions where Golf Balls may be available. Here are some very popular alternatives to .com and this is just a starting point: .Net, .Org, .Info, .Us. These are considered by many to be just as good as .com but many will tell you not to waste your time with anything other then .com as wel...