Best Premium Domain Names For Sale!

 Now you can start your journey to finding premium domain names by visiting "" which is actually where I started my journey. Namepros is a domain forum with information that is invaluable to anyone searching for domains or interested in making money online.

Finding premium domain names can be quite easy and to start your journey you should sit down and think about what your website will be providing or selling to the traffic. I mean if your selling golf balls the most obvious domain name would be and alas that name is taken. Most people unfamiliar with other extensions move on after checking the .com version. Now is where it gets interesting as you can find other extensions where Golf Balls may be available. Here are some very popular alternatives to .com and this is just a starting point: .Net, .Org, .Info, .Us. These are considered by many to be just as good as .com but many will tell you not to waste your time with anything other then .com as well.

Now if you live in a country outside of America and even If you do live in America finding premium domain names can be quite easily with CCTLDS. Now CCTLDS are a short acronym for Country Code Top Level Domains and what that means is simply domain extensions for countries. For example someone in Australia is likely to choose rather then and that is why premium domain names are easily found in cctlds. Now we are starting to see that premium domain names are not quite as hard to find as first thought. Now cctlds are becoming a hot market in the domainers world and I would advise people considering premium domain names to search out and find premium domain names in there native country.

Now at this point you may be saying well I'd like to get some premium domain names for other countries but I don't speak their language. Well that's fine Google has a translator that works great and is easy to use and free to all. Now you may want to test the market with premium domain names in other countries before doing any heavy investing in that department.

This article is a series that I plan to write about the next article will discuss and show you how to find premium domain names that are dropping. I will explain what drop lists are and how to narrow down your search and find the truly great domain names. Also I will show you a few drop catching services and how they can work with you or against you. I hope you enjoyed my first article and walk away knowing that securing a premium domain doesn't have to be that hard.

When you are shopping for a domain name for your business, it is a bit similar to trying to find a perfect outfit for a fancy business party. Sure, you could spend big money at a name-brand store. You could also go to a thrift store and get an off-brand outfit at a hugely discounted price. Premium domain names are like taking the middle route - finding a slightly used outfit of the highest quality that those around you will recognize while still saving a little bit of money.

The reasons many people chose to spend a bit more money on a premium domain name instead of making up their own are quite numerous. First of all, the stock of available names is quickly running out as people buy up as many as they can in order to make money by selling them; much like real estate. Secondly, premium domain names will be easier to remember and much simpler than creating a long and complicated one.

When you are shopping for a domain name for your business, it is a bit similar to trying to find a perfect outfit for a fancy business party. Sure, you could spend big money at a name-brand store. You could also go to a thrift store and get an off-brand outfit at a hugely discounted price. Premium domain names are like taking the middle route - finding a slightly used outfit of the highest quality that those around you will recognize while still saving a little bit of money.

The reasons many people chose to spend a bit more money on a premium domain name instead of making up their own are quite numerous. First of all, the stock of available names is quickly running out as people buy up as many as they can in order to make money by selling them; much like real estate. Secondly, premium domain names will be easier to remember and much simpler than creating a long and complicated one.

I know I've found myself unable to describe what a premium domain was from time to time. I could point out a few examples of the more obvious ones like and but couldn't really articulate what made them different from the ordinary run of names. I for one was glad to find this list; now I can really pretend to know what I am talking about!


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